Monday, January 21, 2013

Attitude towards customers does matter for Social Media success

Not all, but majority of Twitter and Facebook accounts of big brands have more number of fake followers than real followers. Most brand conversations that happen in social media sphere too are messages sent out by micro-blogging robots, created on the behest of some digital service agencies or even internal corporate communication departments that are hard pressed to show results on social media investment.

However, alongside, we also hear of amazing success stories of how brands are able to build a true fans and crowd source different types of business value: from market reach to product innovation.

So, what makes or breaks business in the social sphere? Organizations can spend on social media listening products or hire social media experts, but it requires a real change in the attitude of a business towards how it treats its customers and other external stakeholders.

When we analyse what brands are doing using social media, we can rate them to be at four different stages of maturity: baby steps, firm feet, mainstream, and torchbearer.    

Companies that take baby steps in social media are those that are setting up accounts in a few Read More

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